Journey with Tony from Abu Simbel to the land of Goshen in search of the wonders of ancient Egypt. Along the way, discover where and when Joseph and Moses lived and weigh the evidence of how their stories fit into Egyptian history.
Jerusalem, whose name means “City of Peace,” has experienced devastating turmoil and violence for many years. Will there ever be peace there? Join Tony as he explores the city and finds evidence for an ancient prophecy that shines light on some of the destruction found there.
IRAQ—the cradle of civilization and birthplace of Abraham—has also been home to some of history’s greatest, most glorious empires. Explore with Tony as he probes the evidence for an ancient king whose dream may just reveal our world’s future!
Tony Moore has spent many years exploring and documenting most of the archaeological sites mentioned in Scripture. His compelling presentations will transform how you view archaeology, the Middle East, and perhaps the Bible as well.